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Travel Tips



Belize is about the size of Massachusettes and nestled in the Western Caribbean on the coast of Central America, and flanked by the Caribbean Sea. Belize has the largest Barrier Reef in the Americas, virgin forests, three unique atolls and remnants of the exotic, ancient Maya World mingled with a mix of present day cultures. Belize has something for everyone!

AIRPORTS:  Philip Goldson International Airport. Numerous airstrips and air service to all main                                     towns-Belize City, Corozal, Dangriga, Placencia, and Punta Gorda and offshore                                               islands -Ambergris Caye, Caye Caulker, Caye Chapel

BUSINESS HOURS:  Most stores and offices are open from Monday-Friday 8 am-noon and 1pm through 5                                   pm.  Some stores are open on the mornings only on Wednesday and Saturdays and in                                   the evenings from 7 pm-9 pm on Fridays. Most banks are open Monday- Thursday                                         8am-3pm  and on Fridays 8 am-4 pm, Saturdays from 9 am to 12 noon. 

CAPITAL: Belmopan         

CLIMATE:  Mild subtropical, with cooling Caribbean breezes. The average temperature of 79 degrees                            Fahrenheit varies little throughout the year. Rainy season extends from June through August,                    with  a short dry spell in August. A large proportion of the rainfall during these months falls                       at night. 



CURRENCY: The currency exchange is a stable $2.00BZ- $1.00US. Stores, restaurants and hotels accept                          US  and Belizean currency interchangeably. Bring cash or traveller's cheques-many places                          don't accept cards and most of those that do add a 5 percent service charge.


ECONOMY:  Based on agricultural products which are mainly sugar, citrus, and bananas, along with                                marine products.  Tourism is growing daily in importance.


ENTRY REQUIRMENTS: Vistors are permitted to stay up to one month. A valid passport is required to                                                   enter Belize. Visas are not required by nationals of the US, U.K and                                                                    Commonwealth  countries, Belgium, Denmark, France, Finland, Greece, Iceland,                                            Italy, Liechtenstein,Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Panama, San                                               Marino, Spain, Sweden,Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey.


FOOD: Rice and Beans are the staples of the Belizean diet, often served with chicken. Creole, Mexican,

            Central American, Chinese, American and Garifuna cuisine are also served. Seafood is widely

            available, although lobster and conch are serasonal due to protective legislation during                               breeding seasons. 

INOCULATIONS: No vaccinations are required for travelling to Belize as there are no endemic                                             diseases. Typhoid, Hepatitis and Polio vaccinations are recommended by most doctors,                                and you may wish to take a course of anti-malaria pills particularly for extended                                            jungle stays. Check with your local physician for recommondations.


LANGUAGE: The official language is English but Spanish, Creole, Maya, Garifuna and others are widely



LOCATION: Bounded on the North by Mexico, and south and west by Guatemala, the beautiful                                         Caribbean  Sea washes its 174 mile coastline to the east.

SIZE:  Approximately 9,000 square miles


TAXIS: Taxis are recognizeable by green license plates.

TELEPHONE: Direct dial service between Belize and US and Canada.

TIME: US Central Standard Time all year round.

TIPPING:  Some Hotels and restaurants add a 15% service charge, which is distributed among the staff.

WHAT TO BRING: Good sunscreen is a must. Insect repellent is usefull during jungle hikes or when
air is calm along the coastline. Film, Batteries, cosmetics, health and beauty                                              aids and snack foods. Potable water is generally not a problem. 

WHAT TO WEAR: Shorts, T-shirts and sun dresess are the rule of the day. You'll want sandals for the                                         "surf" and comfortable sneakers for the "turf ".  Bring loose, long sleeve, cotton shirts                                     and long pants for jungle hikes.

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